Kind words from my students & clients

I’ve been very fortunate to receive some lovely reviews & testimonials from my students and clients on their journey with me.
Insight Timer testimonial Orit Krug e1647358517986


Board Certified Dance Movement Therapist & Trauma Specialist, Lasting Love Program


“I joined Insight Timer to increase my brand awareness. It has blown my mind how much quicker potential clients become real clients as they are ready to heal. 

Receiving donations on a daily basis is what keeps me wanting to show up online to a group of engaged people. 

I was puzzled that my course attracted already over 1,000 students, which also has generated $1,000 in passive income in less than 2 months!

Testimonial Nathalie


Energy Healer and Ecstatic Dance Facilitator, The Ecstatic Evolution


“I am so grateful to Camila for creating this amazing program. 

Being on Insight Timer gave me the opportunity to share my work and help many others around the globe to heal. 

I’ve grown my community substantially and my meditations and courses are reaching thousands of people and generating a generous passive income to complement my healing business”

Testimonial Chantal

Chantal Vanderhaeghen

Divine Psychotherapist, Akashic Reader & Reiki master , Unfold Your Freedom


“I’ve always known I had so much to share to help others heal from trauma, but I was getting caught up in some insecurities and perfectionism. 

I was letting life get in the way and Camila provided such a high-touch support and encouragement to get started

Doing it with other like-minded healers and having that space to create what I know I am capable of was life-changing!

Just get started!

Sarah Wayne

International best-selling author and
mentor to High Wattage Leaders


I am so grateful to have Camila guide me through the process of setting up my client journey as a teacher on Insight Timer. 

Her patience, intuitive insights, and depth of knowledge make working with her a total joy. 

She held me accountable in the best way and kept me focused to completion!

Bianca Brown



Joining Camila’s Launch Mastermind was one of the best purchases I made all year. After being burned before by a program that offered big promises and delivered fluff – this was a breath of fresh air. I got tangible and practical help…actual applicable information as well as help implementing! 

I got clearer in my business and also my processes. That was HUGE! Additionally, her kind and nurturing support made me feel safe and cared for. 

If you’re looking for people who will give you real information as well as help you implement it in a way that works for you, then I highly recommend anything Camila has to offer.

Mary Addison Yates



Working with Camila has been a wonderful experience. She has the ability to pull out all of my knowledge and expertise and organize them in a way that excites and empowers me. 

After each call I felt hope and confidence about my abilities and success.

If you’re considering whether to work with her, I highly recommend you invest in yourself, you won’t regret it!!

Andréa Sun

Women’s Vitality & Intuition Coach, Acupuncturist, Massage and Qigong Trainer for midlife business women


Even though it wasn’t a good time for me, my intuition was guiding me to do the soul-aligned pathway to $10k mastermind, co-facilitated by Leah Raposa Foley and Camilla Sunshine. 

I’m soooo glad I did. 

They are both intuitive, gifted business coaches and healers who “got me” and supported me.

Leah helped me articulate my message and commented on all my posts.

Camilla inspired me with her passion and insight, and helped clarify my soul message in our 1:1 sessions. 

I knew I helped clients get exceptional results, but I struggled on how to share my outcomes in a tangible, compelling way. 

I learnt a lot, experimented with different ideas, had fun and left feeling sooo much more confident about sharing my freebies and offers. 

My heartfelt thanks to you both