3 steps to master the art of consistency

It can be easy to show up for other people.

I hear a lot of entrepreneurs say that they find it easy to show up for their clients, but they have trouble finding time to show up for themselves.

Being consistent means being accountable to yourself and honouring your word to yourself.

Here I share 3 steps to help you master the art of being consistent and how you can show up for yourself, and build your self-trust muscle:

1. Get support. 

When you know the big picture of what you want, you can meditate on that and then set goals weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly to achieve them.

Having someone to help you keep showing up for yourself with some accountability structure can really help you stay consistent.

2. Small steps are key

Another reason you may be afraid to show up online is that you don’t want to come across as being a pushy salesperson.

You are worried that if you share what you are offering online that people will judge you or get annoyed that you are selling to them.

Re-framing this belief can really help you to unblock your mindset and transform your visibility online

3. Celebrate the wins

Each and every small win deserves to be celebrated, especially the small ones.

Don’t take your efforts for granted. Every time you do show up for yourself and your business, honouring your little promises to yourself: CELEBRATE.

Make a list of ways that you love to celebrate and ensure that when you start showing up and completing the little tasks that you promised, that you find ways to celebrate and reward yourself.

This will help start a positive feedback loop in your brain and you’ll eventually feel excited to experience that hit of endorphins for celebrating your consistent goals being achieved.

Dancing is my way to celebrate – for you if may be something else like

-having a glass of champagne or cup of tea?
-going for a swim or having a bath?
-going for dinner at a restaurant or out with a friend?

Know what you want.
Allow yourself to desire.
Stop comparing your dreams with other people’s dreams.

Mastering the art of consistency is worth doing because:

It‘s Simple.

Gratitude for yourself works for the small simple steps you achieve is better than overcomplicating it, and will create great results with simple steps. Being consistent has a huge return on investment for even simple habits of consistency.

—It’s Scientific.

These are powerful practices that will switch on the reward system in your brain and release happiness hormones, and you’ll be more likely to do those actions again.

— It’s Spiritual.

When you show up for yourself your trust and self-confidence grow.

Being accountable is a beautiful practice of trusting and honouring yourself.

— It’s Practical.

Keep a record of your wins after you’ve celebrate and then start setting your next small increment of you want to achieve from that initial goal.

— It’s Embodied.

When you’re consistent again and again over time, this is being the embodiment of accountability and consistency and it will have an incredibly powerful positive impact on your business.

It might sound like a lot, but it’s worth taking the time to master the art of consistency.

Your business will thank you for it!

I am passionate about teaching entrepreneurs how to identify their visibility blocks and help them find out what is holding them back online. Once you remove these blocks, you can really see your business boom, by being your authentic self online.

Are you ready to show up consistently in the ares of life that are important to you?

I speak your language
I speak your language

I'm Camilla Sunshine, I am a therapist like you & I've gone through the journey from working in a practice to living a life with more freedom, I can show you how as well. Did I mention I am also a very sensual woman, an experienced strategist & course creator, I speak your language. I'm so happy in my life now that all I think about is devouring my boyfriend when I see him. Let me show you how you can have this life too.

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