Welcome to Spring

Beautiful Spring is here!

Coming out of the cocoon (in the Southern Hemisphere!)

A time for new beginnings. To refresh. To clear out the old and to call in the new.

Hopefully, you have been able to use winter as a time to go inward. During this unprecedented time of COVID we were all called to look inward in different phases of isolation.

You may have noticed that with more time to reflect, and time for inner work, new ideas started to sprout for you.

Perhaps you planted some new seeds… and you are feeling ready to grow them!

It’s time to water the seeds that you want to grow.

But before you go into full growth or rebirth mode… I’d like to offer you some tips to help you re-boost and let go of old energy!

1. Spring clean your mind:

🌼let go of old ways of thinking and try new ways that serve you better.

2. Spring clean your body: 

🌼Consider a green juice detox, start exercising, add sour to your diet (lemon, vinegar to your salads to balance your liver energy).
🌼Make sure you drink lots of water to flush out your liver and remove any toxins that may be stored.
🌼Book in a massage to release knots and built-up tension and stress.   You can book a session with me here by clicking here.

3.🌼Spring clean your physical environment.

Clean out your desk and remove items that no longer serve, or no longer bring you sparks of joy.

4.🌼Dance out any repressed or suppressed emotions.

This winter has been a time of stress and tension for many of us, and in order to “survive” sometimes we can bury these. It is time to acknowledge and release stored negative emotions

5.🌼  Watch the effects of the Spring Season on your Emotions.

In Chinese medicine, Spring is a time related to the liver.
When the liver is out of balance, we may lack the ability to make decisions or follow through with our creative visions. The primary emotion that is stored in the liver is anger, so this is the perfect time to work through releasing repressed anger and frustration. It’s the perfect time to heal the root causes of anger.
A kinesiology session, somatic bodywork or acupuncture session can help with this.

6. Notice different aspects of your body for any symptoms that could indicate a liver imbalance. 

Symptoms can include:
✔hay fever,
✔dry or itchy skin,
✔outbursts of anger or increased frustration,
✔foggy thinking or forgetfulness,
✔joint pain in the knees, hips

Shall any of these symptoms arise, a Kinesiology session is one way that I can help you back into balance.

You can book a Kinesiology session with me here: https://camilasunshine.com/work-with-me/

7. Write down all of your creative ideas.

And then choose the ones that you want to water this season.
Don’t act on them all, otherwise, you are on the risk of burning out.
By writing it all down and making a plan, you can make sure that you do not forget about the creative inspiration and ideas that you may have had in hibernation.

Let’s open our arms and embrace Spring and all its new beginnings! 

I speak your language
I speak your language

I'm Camilla Sunshine, I am a therapist like you & I've gone through the journey from working in a practice to living a life with more freedom, I can show you how as well. Did I mention I am also a very sensual woman, an experienced strategist & course creator, I speak your language. I'm so happy in my life now that all I think about is devouring my boyfriend when I see him. Let me show you how you can have this life too.

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