Don’t fall into the comparison trap

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It is really easy to fall into the comparison trap, if you spend a lot of time on social media.

There people are people sharing about their successes.

There are others charging more and less for what you do.

There are some who seem to live the perfect life, and attract everything they want with ease.

Sometimes if you and your business are not where you want them to be, this comparison can make you fall into a demotivated lump and want to give up and hide.

It is important to remember during these times, that you are unique.

That what you want to bring to the world is important.

That your gifts will be someone’s medicine.

That no-one can provide exactly what you provide, in the unique way that you want to provide it.

Your flavour is yummy and delicious and there will be a tribe of people out there who want YOU for YOU!

Everyone has the divine right to share their gifts, and receive the abundance that is out there to be shared between everyone.

Including you.

Stay in the game.

Your time will come. 


I speak your language
I speak your language

I'm Camilla Sunshine, I am a therapist like you & I've gone through the journey from working in a practice to living a life with more freedom, I can show you how as well. Did I mention I am also a very sensual woman, an experienced strategist & course creator, I speak your language. I'm so happy in my life now that all I think about is devouring my boyfriend when I see him. Let me show you how you can have this life too.

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