How to increase your online presence’s net worth

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Entrepreneurs need more than a good intention..

Having spoken with hundreds of entrepreneurs in the past few years, I observed they all experience limiting thoughts at some level and at some point in their journey.

They have a huge desire to help people, but sometimes they can sabotage their success or start to make things harder than they are meant to be.

Those limiting thoughts and behaviour end up costing them money, sanity and the net-worth of their online presence.

Identifying those behaviours and thoughts is the first step in order to shift them and start to make business and our soul work fun, exciting and fulfilling, by increasing your Visibility net-worth.

So le’ts see what we can shift today.

1.Downplaying gifts & undercharging

Out of good intention, we can convince ourselves that we need to be experienced enough and think:
“I will put a low price, at least some people will join.”
– then risking burning out, not having money to re-invest in the business, and losing motivation
“I just want to help people” – and forgetting to help & nurture self

2. Never feeling an idea good enough and hiding behind incongruencies.
This can look like waiting for the right time or the right idea.
“Are people even interested in what I have to say?”
Or wanting to charge high-ticket, but never investing high-ticket for example.

3. Comparision-i-tis
“So many people already offer what I want to offer”
“I will never be as good as them. They have it all together and I don’t”
We don’t like to admit this one, but it’s a very common one.  It doesn’t come from a place of envy or jealously, but from a place that we get frustrated we are not being as good as we could be.

4.Imposter Syndrome 
“How can I say this if I don’t have it all figured out yet?”
“I will be found out saying something I can’t prove”

5. Tall Poppy Syndrome
We are afraid we may attract haters saying “She is so full of herself”

6. Trying it all alone
Trying to prove we are enough can lead to think “I’ll do it all by myself, I don’t really need help or support with my biz”
This can also lead to being isolate and being afraid to invest money that could help your business grow

7. Letting the fear of failing paralyse
You don’t really take risks in your business. You play safe and may feel challenged to share your vulnerability that would magnetise people towards you.

8. Procrasti-learning
Who has never done that?
“I will just learn this new modality, then I’ll be ready to sell what I believe in”.

I used to do that a lot until I put a boundary on it.  No more courses, until I’ve applied it en enough and embodied each modality to its depth.

The key here is to determine if we are letting a modality or skill sink in and be embodied before learning a new one.

9. Hiding the magic of what you do until it’s perfect, but always finding some flaws and never really starting
– or starting over again and again, hoping the next version is better and more perfect

10. So critical of self & afraid of being judged or laughed at
This is a huge one and it can show up in so many ways, including:
“I should be further along”

“I don’t like to show up with a messy hair on camera”
“My voice wasn’t made for the camera”
“Who cares about what I have to say anyway?”


So we can give attention to the critic instead of showing up for our tribe.  This is when being critic of self is a selfish act, with ourselves and also with the world.

In fact, all of the above are not the voices of your essence, but your ego’s.

Your essence is brave, your ego is the one that gets afraid.

So get a pen and paper and start now reframing those thoughts so you can start to embody a new way of being, where you honour, respect and fully believe in your worth and in what your want to offer the world.



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Book your Visibility net-worth Assessment today:

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I speak your language
I speak your language

I'm Camilla Sunshine, I am a therapist like you & I've gone through the journey from working in a practice to living a life with more freedom, I can show you how as well. Did I mention I am also a very sensual woman, an experienced strategist & course creator, I speak your language. I'm so happy in my life now that all I think about is devouring my boyfriend when I see him. Let me show you how you can have this life too.

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