Massage & Energetic Alignment on Bliss on Wheels

How Bliss on Wheels came to life.

I have been a Certified Massage Therapist and Kinesiologist for the past 10 years.

I left Brazil and my corporate career behind 10 years ago to search for my purpose and I found that I love cultivating inner peace and success through a healthy Mind & Body relationship we can all have.

I worked with over 2 thousand clients in different settings (chiropractic clinics, physiotherapy clinic, the best spas in Sydney – including Endota Spa and Nature’s Energy).

I love travelling, so when COVID hit, I knew I had to follow my dreams and gather the courage to innovate and follow my calling to reconnect myself and my clients to the healing power of Nature.

That’s when Bliss on Wheels came to life.

What is Bliss on Wheels?

Bliss on Wheels is a mobile sanctuary whose aim is to create space to rejuvenate the body, relax the mind and re-awaken the soul.

The most popular services provided in this Sancturay are:

💙 Body Alchemy Massage
💙 Energetic Healing (Kinesiology, Reiki, Access Bars)
💙 Retreats for couples and small groups (sacred hens gatherings, rites of passage, emotional healing)

So, what is a Body Alchemy Massage?

It’s a 2 hours hands-on massage and energy alignment that is relaxing, nurturing, deep and profoundly therapeutic.

It works holistically at all levels: the physical body, etheric body, spiritual body, mental body and emotional body.

Massage is one of the most powerful tools for transformation I’ve ever experienced, so this massage was designed to prolong the effects of the treatment.

It’s a rite of passage.

An opportunity for letting go from our Body what no longer serves. Also an opportunity to claim what you want to create in the months to come.

So, whether it is for you of a for a loved one, I work with where you are at and I tailor your body’s needs.

Body Alchemy is my Signature Energy and Bodywork where I have incorporated a bit of many modalities I’ve certified in that have helped thousands of people, including:
Remedial Massage (Dip.), Holisitic Kinesiology (Dip.), Deep Tissue Massage, Aromatherapy, Hawaiian Lomilomi, Trigger Point Therapy, acupressure, Shamanic Reiki, Usui Reiki, Aromatherapy, chakra Balancing, Shamanic Inner Dance.

You will feel light, clear, grounded, relaxed and a huge sense of motivation to achieve your goals!

I use this process with my clients and it works every time.  Slowly their mind and Nervous System start to respond to situations instead of reacting, it’s empowering.

You are here for a simple yet, enriching life, starting with feeling good in your own skin.

Where can I get a Body Alchemy Massage?

I will come to you (we will agree on a quiet street up to 10min from your house.)

This is my current schedule in parts of Sydney, Australia.

Calendar for Northern Beaches (North Sydney):

Calendar for Sutherland Shire (Sydney South):

Calendar for Centennial Park (Sydney East):

Newcastle area (Lake Macquaire/ Nelson Bay, Anna Bay) from 17/12/20 until 22/12/20

Other locations, group bookings, retreats? Message me for extra negotiable dates.

I also offer Remedial Massage: Pain-focused Massage if you are wanting more specific attention to pain.

I’m ready to care for my body and feel aligned to my purpose:

I speak your language
I speak your language

I'm Camilla Sunshine, I am a therapist like you & I've gone through the journey from working in a practice to living a life with more freedom, I can show you how as well. Did I mention I am also a very sensual woman, an experienced strategist & course creator, I speak your language. I'm so happy in my life now that all I think about is devouring my boyfriend when I see him. Let me show you how you can have this life too.

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